Chautauqua. A meeting of the minds. In Ecuador. Normally, this type of thing would be out of the box for the Max Out of Pocket crew. But then again, this whole questionable blogging career has also been a bit out of the box. So here it went. Chautauqua — “…an old-time series of popular talks intended to edify and entertain, improve the mind and bring culture and enlightenment to the ears and thoughts of the...
Tagged: FIRE
My $572,570 Standard Deduction Portfolio – FI/RE
Since Max has an affinity for FI/RE (Financial Independence / Retire Early) concepts, every once in a while we are going to get a post dedicated to the subject. In this case, we are going to broach the standard deduction bucket and do a little reverse engineering into the 4% rule. It isn’t completely off-topic, though. Becoming financially independent is a great way to protect ourselves from the current state of the healthcare system in...
November 30, 2019