There are benefits to having a hobby in personal finance. In a world where money moves products and services, understanding how it works is a powerful thing. When you enjoy learning about it, that makes things even easier. From complex tax law to convoluted retirement accounts, it is worth spending some time figuring all this stuff out. But there are also some basic things we should keep an eye on. One of the metrics that...
Tagged: ira
Where Do I Keep All Of These Medical Office Buildings?
When you own over 250 medical office buildings (MOBs), it can be hard to find a place to put them all. What may seem like a daunting task to some, Max OOP always has a master plan. Like most other things here at Max Out of Pocket, we always keep optimization and simplicity at the forefront of every strategy we put in place. If you need to catch up, Max OOP has slowly built up...
August 6, 2019