It’s hard to believe it has already been a few months since my free preventive exam. Frankly, I wasn’t too impressed with my doctor’s attention to detail during the physical. But ultimately, the main reason I scheduled that exam was to get orders for some screening lab work. These labs included a comprehensive metabolic panel and a free lipid panel. Related: Free Cholesterol Screening – It Could Save Your Life Let’s start by saying that...
My Free Annual Preventive Exam – A $251 Value
Well, after a 78-day wait, Max finally got in for his free annual preventive exam on 10/30/2019. As a completely healthy person, I guess I don’t know what I expected. Perhaps I was needlessly consuming a healthcare service that I really didn’t need to have. But ultimately, I was disappointed with the thoroughness of my 24-minute exam. Thankfully, my $21,574 insurance plan covered the exam in full with no out-of-pocket costs. Money well spent I...
How Much Should A Lipid Panel Cost?
We now know that many of us with private health insurance plans are entitled to a free cholesterol screening. The Affordable Care Act mandates it with no out-of-pocket costs if we meet certain criteria. But what if we don’t fit into that criteria or our insurance company decides we need to pay for one? If we aren’t high risk or under the age of 35, that just might happen. But how much should a lipid...