Over the years, I have seen several investment experts suggest they are ‘tilting’ their portfolio one way or another. It sounds sophisticated. They might generally follow total stock market indexing principles, but they deviate ever so slightly into a certain strategy. They tilt their way into ‘international equities,’ ‘value stocks,’ or even ‘alternatives.’ Tilt: move or cause to move into a sloping position. As they tout their tilt, I sometimes have a hard time reading...
Healthcare REITs: A Case For Diversification
Max has gotten a bit reckless with the medical office building REIT portfolio. This hobby of mine has grown from a position of just a few thousand dollars to over $35,000. It is projected to put about $1,823 in dividends back in my pocket over the next 12 months. But the lack of diversification can no longer be ignored. My mom always told me not to put all my medical office buildings eggs into one...
Max Out of Pocket – September
Summer is out and fall is in. It is hard to believe the Max Out of Pocket crew is heading into our third fall here in New England. This is a beautiful part of the country to be in for this time of year. The only negative is as the leaves start changing the “leaf-peeping” tourists start flooding the area. I shouldn’t complain, though. Tourists bring in money that lands in the pocket of people...
Healthcare REIT Experiment – How Does DOC Make Me Money?
One thing Max OOP has picked up over the years is that buying stocks based on sex appeal usually isn’t a good idea. If you are investing your hard-earned dollars into a company, it is a really good idea to go on a date or two to get an understanding of how that company uses your dollars to put even more dollars back in your pocket. Take the building above; it’s nice to look at,...
Healthcare REIT Experiment – Tenant Issues, FFO, $1000 Passive Income
We live in a pretty amazing world. One where your average Joe Max can punch a few keys on a keyboard and suddenly call himself an owner of medical office buildings. Then, he can listen in on a meeting occurring thousands of miles away on how much income those medical office buildings are producing.